Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

How To Make Lontong Tahu Campur

Ingredients :
·        Lontong
·        Tofu
·        Cabbage
·        Celery
·        Bean sprouts
·        Roasted Peanuts
·        Chillies
·        Garlic
·        Sugar
·        Salt
·        Soybean sauce
·        Lime
·        Fried onions
·        Water

Tools :
·        Cutting board
·        Knife
·        Frying pan
·        Spoon
·        Fork
·        Plate
·        Grinder

Steps :
1.              First, fry the tofu until brown.
2.             Next, cut the fried tofu into small cubes.
3.            Chop the cabbage and celery.
4.            To make “Sambel Kacang”, take the chillies, garlic, lime, sugar, and a little salt into the grinder and grind them.
5.             After that, take the roasted peanuts into the grinder and grind them completely.
6.            Next, add the water and soybean sauce.
7.             Stir them with a spoon perfectly and “Sambel Kacangis ready.
8.            To serve lontong tahu campur, prepare a plate.
9.            Cut the lontong into small pieces and put into the plate.
10.         Then, put the tofu into the plate.
11.           Add the cabbage, celery and bean sprouts.
12.          Then, pour the “Sambel Kacang” on it.
13.         Don’t forget to spread the fried onions on top.
14.         Finally, the “Lontong Tahu Campur”  is ready to serve.

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